Dark Horse and Tiny Onion Announce Second Printing Cover by Nick Robles and Promotion to Ongoing Series

The debut issue of James Tynion IV, Tate Brombal, and Isaac Goodhart’s The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1 has sold out at the distributor level ahead of publication on June 28, 2023. Dark Horse Comics has announced a second printing, featuring a new cover by Nick Robles, and has promoted the series to be Dark Horse’s next ongoing series. The first issue also features colors by Miquel Muerto and letters by Aditya Bidikar, rounding out the all-star team behind this exciting new comic.

“It’s extremely exciting news to me to see the first issue sell out so early!” said Senior Editor, Daniel Chabon. “I see Christopher Chaos joining the ranks of Dark Horse’s other long-running creator-owned series like Black HammerHellboyThe Umbrella Academy, and more. I am super proud of the creative team and I hope to see this continue as far as we can take it.

“James and I developed an entire world and history for Christopher Chaos that is filled with monsters and mad science going back centuries… Now, due to such an overwhelming response from readers, we have the expanded scope necessary to explore it in its entirety! Thank you so much to everyone that’s supported this odd book, and get ready to spend the next few years alongside Christopher and the monsters he picks up along the way,” said Tate Brombal.

“Yes! YES!! It’s alive! It’s ALIIIIVEEEE (for many more issues)!” said Isaac Goodhart.

Orders close for the second printing on June 12, 2023.

The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1 arrives in comic shops June 21, 2023, just in time for Pride Month, with covers by Nick Robles, David Talaski, and Isaac Goodhart. The second printing variant will be available July 26, 2023.

Praise for The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher ChaosT:

Christopher Chaos, much like Brombal’s prior Barbalien (also lettered by the ever-excellent Aditya Bidikar), is a book steeped in the experience of being queer. It is about being the absolutely neurotic, anxious mess of a queer teenager. An experience we can all understand and relate to. Only it, y’know, has more Werewolves, Frankensteins, and crazy Cult Cops Of Complicity that want to help enforce the normalcy of the world.”—Comic Book Herald

“THE ODDLY PEDESTRIAN LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER CHAOS is fun, funny, heartfelt, and horrific. It’s everything you could possibly want in a comic about a mad teen scientist.”—Chris Condon (That Texas Blood)

“An artful blend of everything that makes comics great! Monsters, super-science, and a weird coming-of-age superhero story that’s unlike anything else on shelves.” Zac Thompson (Undone By BloodThe Brother of All MenThe Dregs)

Dark Horse Comics