CEO, Triathlete, and Organizational Psychology Expert Offers System for Happier Living


The Ideal Life: 7 Steps to Harness Your Stress, Discover Your Purpose, and Achieve Your Goals by Mark Congdon is now available. The book is published with Forbes Books, the exclusive business book publishing imprint of Forbes, and is available today on Amazon.

Mark Congdon’s new book asks readers to confront a lie that most have been telling since they were old enough to lie: “I’ll be happy if I can just get what I want.”

With The Ideal Life, Congdon endeavors to reveal the real truth about human happiness.

The truth is, attainment for attainment’s sake dampens our reward system, and leaves us feeling listless. Humans, in Congdon’s view, are happiest when they are striving and seeking—when they have purpose. In a society that too often elevates materialism and advances distorted expectations of “the good life” on social media, many people don’t know what they actually want or why they want it—they just want.

The tragic results are lives of confusion and constant comparison. The life many think they want is forever out of reach. It leaves people feeling lost, directionless, stressed, anxious, and depressed. “If happiness was just about getting what we want, then the instant gratification of today’s society should be creating access to a modern utopia,” Congdon said. “But instead, more stuff has only led to more stress.”

Congdon’s book teaches readers the fundamental design of their inner reward system so they can take back control of the chemicals that cause stress and anxiety and convert them into powerful tools for discovering purpose and achieving goals. Supported by the latest breakthroughs in biology and psychology applied to Mark’s real-life practical experience, The Ideal Life will give readers the tools they need for purposeful, joyful living.

About Mark Congdon
After spending ten years achieving success in operations, sales, and strategic leadership within the transportation logistics industry, Mark Congdon is now pursuing a calling to help others understand how to develop a growth mindset and realize their own personal joy. Mark has multiple degrees in business and psychology, including as a Dean’s List graduate of the Harvard Extension School in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. His company, The Ideal Life, coaches individuals and teams to identify a long-term vision and then convert that purpose into action. Mark is a CEO, Ironman Triathlete, and father of four, and his experiences can help guide you towards your own fulfilling success in work, health, and relationships.