Turbulent Sea – Christine Feehan Song Lyrics


It’s been exciting working in the book trailer industry these last 6 years. One of the benefits to the job is that I get to read the books in advance.

One of our most popular authors that we create video and audio products for is #1 bestselling author Christine Feehan.

She has several series, each of them amazing. If you’ve never read her I urge you to pick up one of her books, but warn you that they are very addictive!

The Dark Series or Carpathian Series is a vampire hunter series with Carpathians who are vampire-like but not evil and who are in fact vampire hunters. These dark and brooding heroes are the stuff of legend and are, in my opinion, the reason vampire romance novels hit it so big over the last few years.

The Ghostwalker series is a military paranormal series that is a huge hit with men and with military personnel. I think the research that goes into these books is very extensive and it lends to the realism of the stories.

The Drake Sister Series is about 7 magical sisters and I have to say that I love this series so much! It is a wonderful feel good series that promotes the love of family while still bringing you action, adventure and even some scary moments.

The upcoming Drake Sister release is my favorite for many reasons. The couple in the book are hot! They conflict is believable and you spend so much of your time caught up in the romance and the intrigue it’s amazing! The book trailer for the video is a music video! I wrote the script for the book trailer and I wrote the lyrics to the song.

For anyone interested in the words here they are-

Turbulent Sea lyrics by Sheila Clover English

Darkness lives inside me

A secret that I hide

The light that comes from all the rest

Is lost upon the tide

A touch of lightning – magic

Has left me marked and cold

I want…I need…I crave for me

A love that sells my soul

Like a turbulent sea

Pulling at me

I’m drowning in passion and fear

With all that I am – or ever will be

I must fight for what I hold dear

And I fight

For what is right

But shadows follow…

Me into the night

I sing and I cry and I scream at the night

To change an unchangeable fate

The wave crashes

In my heart

Darkness follows

Light departs

Like a turbulent sea

Pulling at me

I’m drowning