Book Review for Soul Progression by Ron Pieris


In our world, we have a great deal of confusion stemming from virtually every aspect of life. Society entrances and titillates with many indulgences, gluttony persists, and we falter along an unclear path weather-beaten and shaded by false ideas. How do we ever make sense of this turmoil into which we are born? Author Ron Pieris sees the way to a better course, and, in his book Soul Progression, he tries to show us how to come onto that path and follow it.
Pieris believes that in order to possess true faith, one must first have what he calls “works of faith.” Through his understanding of these conditions and activities—charity, hopefulness, love of fellow man—Pieris elaborates upon what is required in order to achieve a state where the evolution of the soul becomes possible.
This book is ideal for anyone who wishes to change and grow as a person from the inside out. It delivers an understanding for which the world in its present circumstance is desperate. If you seek clarity and a means of recapturing the power of true faith, Peiris’s Soul Progression is a must-read.