Burnt Cookies Review


Arny Alberts reveals his horrific experience at the hands of an older man when he was just fifteen. 

In unflinching detail he describes how he became involved with Coach without really understanding the consequences it would have on him for the rest of his life.

As a young teenager, Alberts was unsure of sex as most children are. The methods that this pedophile used to entrap Alberts started out innocent enough, but rapidly turned into rape. Once Coach had Alberts, he used every trick in the book to psychologically damage Alberts into staying in this obscene relationship.

The message here: Parents, TALK to your kids about sex, because if you don’t, someone else will. The coach was a friend of Alberts and used every means to abuse him at the age of 15 when most boys are looking for answers about their sexual identity. 

This is a hard subject to read, but very important. Alberts suffered his entire life because of this sick man who was supposed to be his protector, “The Coach.” Alberts admits he knew it was wrong when it was happening, but he was young and impressionable as most boys are. As hard as it was to read, it needs to be brought out in the open so parents will be aware of the damage pedophiles can inflict on their young boys.