Reader’s Entertainment Party, Awards and the Faerie Ball


By Sheila English
Los Angeles, CA. April 7, 2011

I’m excited, I’m nervous and I’m happy, so obviously I’m at the RT Booklover’s Convention and today is the Reader’s Entertainment Hollywood Reader Mixer!

I’ve never participated in a big mixer event before so I’m thrilled to have Dayna Linton and Jennifer St. Giles of Between Your Sheets helping us with the event! Reader’s Entertainment Group includes Between Your Sheets and other wonderful companies.

We will be giving away feather boas, beads, swag and prizes! We’ll be playing video and having games and goodies! I can’t wait! The event starts at 2:45 PM Pacific time and we’ll be sure to take pictures and video to share with you!

Then we’ll be off to the RT Awards Ceremony! We will tweet winners and you can find that here on the RER site or on Twitter! Look for #rectv and be sure to comment with that hashtag so you are entered into the drawing for a Kindle!

Then we will be off to the land of magic as we attend the extremely popular Faerie Ball! This year Reader’s Entertainment Group is an official sponsor of the event and our very own Victoria Fraasa will sit on the Faerie Court to represent us! Pics and video to come!