Black Authors Network


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The Black Author Network (BAN) is a weekly online radio show that features authors and literary leaders three times per week to give the readers a blast of knowledge, wisdom, and empowerment. Our philosophy is one of positive self-image and empowerment. We are dedicated to promoting the advancement of multicultural, diverse books in all aspects of business and social networking. Visit our website to meet the authors here. Using author interviews as the theme for each show, book lovers get a first-hand look at the “behind the book” news, as the authors and host, Ella Curry, share the storyline of new book releases. We respect our readers’ intelligence and strive to deliver shows and books that enrich their lives. We come to the readers each week to invoke dialogues on increasing literacy for future generations, to enlighten the community on great books, and to empower our readers with the Gift of Knowledge! Join us in serving as a collective voice committed to providing quality literature to an international audience. Tune in each Monday, Wednesday and Friday night, 8-10 pm EST at: BlogTalk Radio or call into the live radio show at: (646) 200-0402.

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