Storify: Share and Archive your Stories


L. McMaken
Cincinnati, OH

If you’ve ever tried to combine files, media files, social media files and videos into one package, you know how difficult it can be. Now, Storify has made it simple.  You can gather everything you create on the web from Twitter posts, to YouTube videos, to book reviews and create your own story archive.

Storify describes it as: “We make it easy to {create} by just dragging-and-dropping, crating beautiful, simple stories. We preserve all attribution and metadata for each element. We let you notify all the sources quoted in a story with one click, a great way to help it go viral. Stories with Storify are interactive, and your readers can re-Tweet or reply to the people quoted in stories. Also, Storify’s API opens up new possibilities for developers to display stories in new ways on different devices.”

If you want to create a storyboard to share with readers, all those research tidbits, or combine your reviews, book, and booktrailer, you can do it here, then share it.