Lori Foster Reader & Author Get Together

Lori Foster
Lori Foster

Lori Foster
Lori Foster

Author Lori Foster’s annual event grows each year. Two days, three if you count the Sunday breakfast, of authors, readers, editors, agents, raffle baskets and great food.


Readers who long to sit and have a cup of coffee with their favorite author are able to make that fantasy come true at this event. The list of authors ranges from brand new talent attending for the first time, to veteran bestsellers like Lori Foster, Lora Leigh, Nalini Singh, and Kate Douglas.


The conference offers workshops for readers and authors, editor and agent appointments, great food, amazing conversations, an on-site bookstore, as well as a huge book-signing event and a raffle.


2011 Event Authors



The Raffle. Yes, it is a sentence unto itself. This is one amazing raffle. Nearly all attendees, authors, publishers, agents, editors and enthusiastic readers contribute to the raffle. You can find Kindles, iPads, weekends at romantic hotels, wine, gift cards, spa weekends, picnic baskets filled with assorted wines, cheeses or chocolates, handmade items like gorgeous floral arrangements, crocheted afghans, quilts, and even a booktrailer giveaway from Circle of Seven.


One-hundred and eighty baskets were donated this year. The money raised from the basket raffle goes to local charities including, One Way Farm, http://www.onewayfarm.org/, a warm, loving facility for abused, abandoned, neglected, troubled youth, and children with disabilities and developmental disabilities and this year the check given to them was for $7,000.


There was a $1500 donation to Animal Adoption Foundation http://www.aafpets.com/, a no-kill animal shelter, and $356 dollars in cash, as well as a carload of goodies donated to the annual Troop Donation collection. The collected items that are forwarded to our troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Make plans to attend in 2012. The event is very affordable, you’ll spend an awesome time with authors and other readers, and help some amazing local charities.