Reading Rainbow is Back!


L. McMaken
Cincinnati, OH



One of PBS’ best series for kids, Reading Rainbow, hosted by Levar Burton is making a comeback. Burton has secured funding to begin a new series and this new reading program will be aimed at the smartphone and tablet with “enhanced eBooks for kids.”

Mr. Burton’s newly formed company is called RRKidz. The website isn’t completely “live” yet, but those interested can leave their e-mail address for updates as they become available. In a recent press release regarding RRKidZ, the company has “$3 million in seed funding and is compiling a library of 300 iPad and Smartphone titles, with roughly 50 of those to be voiced by Levar Burton.”

Many parents and kids will be looking forward to, hearing the familiar Reading Rainbow slogan, “coming soon…but you don’t have to take my word for it.”