Is That Weird or What?


L. McMaken
Cincinnati, OH

Weird Fiction Review is a new blog featuring “an ongoing exploration into all facets of the weird, in all its many forms.” Unleashed by authors Ann VanderMeer and Jeff VanderMeer the review site entered the blogosphere with an interview of author Neil Gaiman. Upcoming posts will feature webcomic Leah Thomas, and the art of Myrtle Von Damitz III.

Ann was formerly the editor of Weird Tales.

They describe their blog as: “ is an ongo­ing explo­ration into all facets of the weird, from the clas­sics to the next gen­er­a­tion of weird writ­ers and inter­na­tional weird. Reviews, inter­views, short essays, comics, and occa­sional fiction.”

This looks to be a very interesting site you’ll have to visit often to appreciate.