Stephen King is Heating Things Up


L. McMaken
Cincinnati, OH


With a drastic reduction in funds for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) in Maine, author Stephen King is stepping up to help. Launching a donation campaign via his radio stations, King says he will match donations up to $70,000.

In a statement from King: “We’ll match up to $70,000 of the amount raised. . .This economy is terrible and Tabitha and I both worry so much about Bangor because it truly is a working-class town and we are always looking for ways to help, and right now this is a great need.”

Anyone wishing to make a donation can call (207)990-2800 a line to King’s radio stations or they can snail-mail a donation to: Help Keep Me Warm ZONE Radio, 861 Broadway, Bangor 04401.