The Best-Selling Kindle Author Announced


Only a few years ago, selling a million eBooks was unfathomable, today there are several well-known and a few lesser know authors who are members of that “million” seller club. One author, however, stands out as the “best-selling Kindle Author of All Time.” She’s isn’t a thriller writer, a romance writer or the author of a notorious memoir, she is a children’s author and her name is Suzanne Collins. Her name isn’t as well known as her books – The Hunger Games Trilogy.

Ms. Collins was the first children’s author to sell more then one million Kindle books back in June of 2011. Since then her Hunger Games Trilogy has held the top three spots on USA Today’s bestseller list, holds the #1 spot on the NYT bestseller list, a spot it’s held for 81 weeks. (The Hunger Games is listed in the NYT Children’s Series category)

Now, her series has been made into a much anticipated movie that premiers March 23rd.

Jessica Schein, Young Adult Books Editor said in a press release: “There’s no denying that the Hunger Games has become a worldwide phenomenon, and we love that it all started with a great book. These books appeal to customers of all ages – adults and teens alike – and you can see from our Top 20 list they’re captivating readers across the whole country. All three books in the trilogy are best sellers in print and on Kindle, and now our customers have made Suzanne Collins the best-selling Kindle author of all time.”