Reader’s Entertainment Presents Kenneth Wishnia – 23 Shades of Black


Dark, crime noir, what is it? And why is it so interesting that author Kenneth Wishnia chose an Ecuadorian, female protagonist to star in his novel 23 Shades of Black?

If you like crime novels and strong heroines this series is a must. I strongly urge you to take a look on the author’s website at and read just a few pages of 23 Shades of Black and see for yourself what an amazing author voice Wishnia has and how his character, Filomena, hooks you in from page one with her sarcasm, wit and that little “something” that’s hard to describe, but you know it when you read it!


We spoke with Ken about writing the series, his journey as an author and what it’s like to be nominated for the prestigious Edgar Award! Please listen in and feel free to leave questions or comments!