What Readers Want from Authors on Pinterest


Pinterest the newest social media craze has grown rapidly. It allows users to post favorite items to  “boards”, and their followers can ‘repin” or “like” those items or just browse. Many authors are now using Pinterest to showcase their work by posting book covers, buy links, booktrailers, and other marketing items to their boards.

I recently asked readers to tell me what they really wanted to see on an authors Pinterest page, who they follow and what makes them follow at particular author.

Readers it seems love to follow authors and find new authors. One of the top responses was that they liked to know a bit about the author personally, but not too much. From reader, Trudy Powders: “I like when authors post about themselves, not too personal. I love hearing about their work, hearing of new and upcoming authors. I follow my favs and write down all their new releases.”

Reader, Cassandra McGuire was in agreement about an author’s personal information on Pinterest. “I like hearing about upcoming stories and how the ideas came about. Also about new authors. I don’t mind hearing about their personal life some, but, well, I’m sure not too much personal information is for ‘besties’. I have my favs I follow; Maya Banks, Allie Standifer, Sydney Landon, and love Shiloh Walker, Cherise Sinclair and Kallypso Masters.”

“I follow quite a few authors on Pinterest,” says reader Michelle McMichael. “I love it when they post pictures related to their characters or books. Darynda Jones is always postings things ‘Charley’ would wear etc. Michele Hauf posts the most amazing shoes and jewelry. Chloe Neill has a fascination with rainbow colored posts. Rose Pressey loves her craft projects, Heather Waters is great for recipes, Joan Swan has some amazing man-candy. . .there are loads!”

Gayle Donnelly, who is a writer (part of the writing team of Gayle Donnelly and Robyn MacKenzie) as well as a reader, is another Shiloh Walker follower. “I love the stuff she posts. I personally like to see what authors like themselves, such as fashion, food, decorating, etc. I also like to see their upcoming books, as well as books they like to read.”

And reader, LeighAnna Thomas gave praise to author Larissa Ione, and Kallypso Masters Pinterest pages.

Many readers are turning to Pinterest to get that inside scoop on their favorite books. It is currently the fastest growing social media site. For authors wanting to give a little extra to their readers this is the place to be. Readers who want to know more about their favorite books simply need to ‘follow’ the author. It is a great site to bring authors and readers together.

If you haven’t been there yet, take a few minutes to check out Pinterest. Be beware, it can be addicting!