Dorchester Publishing Looking for Their Authors



In an effort to transfer rights back to their authors, Dorchester Publishing is working to locate their writers. After closing earlier this year, the publisher sold nearly 1,000 of its titles to Amazon. They have just recently announced that are going to transfer publication rights back to the authors, but there are many of their former authors they have not been able to connect with.

From a press release sent by the publisher: “Thank you for your support over the last 75 years. At this time, we are completing the reversion process, transferring all titles back to their respective authors. Though we have made great strides, our research has uncovered a number of authors for whom we have no contact information. In addition, there are a number of titles without corresponding authors. To complete this reversion process, we will need your help.” 

Here is link to the webpage that lists the authors they are trying to contact.