Marvel Makes First Editions – Digital


Marvel Entertainment, home to some of the most well-known heroes in comics, has decided to make over 700 of its first editions available in digital format.

The world can hear the collective gasp of comic collectors worldwide. First editions of comics have been the gold standard of print comic collectibles since they first appeared. They are the heroes entry into the world, and are held sacred by collectors. Allowing those editions to be available digitally is in response to the ever burgeoning tablet, apps and eReaders.

Those editions will be free until  tomorrow, Tuesday March 12, then they will be available for $1.99 – $3.99 per issue.

“This is the perfect way to show everyone how much we believe in our material by letting them try the first issues for free, because we’re sure once they start, they won’t stop,” says Marvel SVP – Sales, Digital & Print David Gabriel. “Week in and week out we ask fans to come check out our new releases—both in print and digitally—with the promise that we’ll bring them the best comics made by the best talent and managed by the best editorial team in the industry. Now, existing and news fans [alike] can discover the heroes they know and love and learn about new ones all at the same time.”

“At its core, Marvel #1 is all about bringing new readers into the fold,” explains Gabriel. “That doesn’t just mean fans who have never read a comic, but [also] longtime fans [who want] to jump into books they may have been waiting to try. With a plethora of great content and digital devices—be it tablets or smart phones—in more hands than ever, there is no better time to launch an initiative such as this.”

Downloads can be found by following this link.