San Diego ComicCon 2013: Sharing The Experience

The Little Captain

San Diego ComicCon International 2013 brought in over 125,000 fans!  From young to old, boys and girls, men and women, creatures and aliens.

Anne Elizabeth and DC DeVane at ComicCon Booth

With a convention that size you might wonder how crazy the crowds are and whether or not people fight over seats to panels, exclusive toys or line hoping at the Starbucks. The fact is, the fans were the heroes.  They policed themselves, were polite as a rule and thoughtful toward other fans.  The overall energy was positive and everyone there seemed to want everyone else to be as happy as they were.
ComicCon fans submerge themselves into the stories they love.  Costumes are created, worn and admired by all.  Fans can tell you about their favorite series, author or artist with such enthusiasm that, even if you’ve never heard of it, you want to go check it out yourself.
The artists, authors, actors and vendors really tried to go above and beyond to give each attendee something special.  There were many goodie giveaways and opportunities to meet with famous people.

The Little Captain

Featured guest Christine Feehan did panels during the event, but she also made herself available on the convention floor in a booth shared with Anne Elizabeth, Renee Bernard, DC DeVane and Sheila English.  Fans could come get an autograph, picture or just chat while also getting great giveaways.  Publishers such as Penguin, Tor/Forge and Samhain brought in authors and books as well.

Christine Feehan with Fan

Yes, there were television and movie stars. I saw Samuel L. Jackson, the cast of Arrow and a few others.  If only I had the patience to stand in line for an hour or two I could have seen the cast of True Blood, Supernatural and many others. Maybe next year!
There were so many giveaways that I had to purchase an additional piece of luggage to get it all home! But, my most favorite item was my Big Bang Theory backpack, which just shows you exactly how geeky I am. And yes, I’m proud of it!  My second favorite thing was a zombie doll from the game Plants vs. Zombies, of which I am totally addicted. (see “geeky” comment in previous sentence).
I was the moderator for a panel about the ever-changing landscape of the paranormal fantasy with Christine Feehan and Anne Elizabeth.  My dad, who got to attend with me and who all of my booth-mates called “Uncle Wayne”, asked for my name tent that had the ComicCon logo and name of the panel on it. He’s having it framed. I’m 47 and I feel like my drawing just got the main spot on the refrigerator! A very proud moment.

ComicCon Backpack BBT was hot commodity!
Sheila English, Christine Feehan and Anne Elizabeth ComicCon 2013

This convention was  very special to me. It was my first SDCC. I was with some of my dearest friends. I had an ebook that just released and my cards for it ran out by the second day! I got to be on a panel at the largest ComicCon in the world! But, for me the highlight wasn’t the movie stars and free stuff, it was sharing that experience with my father who had never attended a ComicCon in his life, but who always wanted to go.  He was like a kid, so happy about everything, so enthusiastic about everything, enchanted and enthralled.  He’s collected comics since he was a child. We were inseparable all week, sharing an experience we will always remember.

First Timer’s Fun with Sheila, Gollum and Wayne