Friday at BEA

You could tell your own love story in 10 words to win.
You could tell your own love story in 10 words to win.

How to explain Book Expo America to those who’ve never attended?  Miles and miles of waking on concrete covered by a thin layer of carpeting.  All languages being spoken, deals being made, products being hawked, networking and books, books, books.


Librarians, booksellers and avid readers walk hunched over with heavy bags filled with the days treasures.  Books signed by Carl Hiaasen, Sandra Brown, Jason Segel, Jodi Picoult and more.  But it doesn’t matter how tired you are, you just keep going because there’s one more booth to see, one more book to get.  It’s highly addictive.





Ruth Klein
Ruth Klein

I met an author, Ruth Klein who writes nonfiction, and she stopped by Tonya Kappes booth and insisted she only reads nonfiction.  After a lively discussion, she left with one of Tonya’s fiction books declaring, “This is a first!”  Yay, a convert.


I got interviewed for tv and when they send me the link, I’ll post it.  They just wanted me to talk about how I started in the business.  That was really exciting for me.





Carl Hiaasin
Carl Hiaasen
Sandra Brown
Sandra Brown











There was even a bar set up at a booth and believe me it was packed.  Unfortunately, I was in the mood for root beer and they didn’t have any.

Bottom Line:  After soaking my feet all night, I’m ready for another day!