BOOK TRAILER: Shattered by Mari Mancusi


Trinity is trying to stay under the radar, but Emmy, her baby dragon, is growing like crazy. When a video of Emmy

goes viral, their secret is out and they have no choice but to run. But with the government on their heels, is keeping

Emmy safe too high a price for Trinity to pay? Find out more at



About the Author:

Mari Mancusi always wanted a dragon as a pet. Unfortunately the fire insurance premiums proved a bit too large and her house a bit too small–so she chose to write about them instead. Today she works as an award-winning young adult author and freelance television producer, for which she has won two Emmys.

When not writing about fanciful creatures of myth and legend, Mari enjoys goth clubbing, cosplay, snowboarding, watching cheesy (and scary) horror movies, and her favorite guilty pleasure—playing videogames. A graduate of Boston University, she lives in Austin, Texas with her husband Jacob, daughter Avalon, and their dog Mesquite.

Mari is pronounced like the name Mary. Mancusi is pronounced man-COO-see.