Reader’s Entertainment Presents: Chris Katsaropoulos


Chris Katsaropoulos is the author of more than a dozen books, including critically-acclaimed novels, Fragile, Antiphony, Entrevoir, and Unilateral.  His newest work, Complex Knowing, is his first collection of poetry.  It will be released in October from Luminis Books.  Chris has been an editor at several major publishing houses and has published numerous trade books, textbooks, and novels over the course of his publishing career. Chris enjoys traveling, playing the piano and hiking in out of the way places.

Chris Katsaropoulos Complex KnowingBook Blurb:

These poems send the reader on a journey into the hidden realm of the subconscious, where the sixth sense of knowing overwhelms the other five. Chris Katsaropoulos has written a collection of poems that turn words and phrases inside out, bringing forth the intricate truths that can be found within a frozen landscape, a lost tribe of warriors, a funeral cortege, or a chrysanthemum weathering a drought. The dark existential themes capture the uneven and inexplicable nature of the human soul as it tries to muddle through a world that sometimes seems designed to thwart every attempt to love, while at the same time filled with beauty and overflowing with life.

Click the book cover to listen to the podcast!

Chris Katsaropoulos
Chris Katsaropoulos

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Great Collection of Poetry!