George Lucas to be Featured in Comic Book Biography


OrbitGeorgeGeorge Lucas, best known as director, scriptwriter and founder of LucasFilm is going to be the latest celebrity to have a featured comic book biography release from Blue Water Productions.

Here are details from their press release:

Bluewater Productions is proud to announce the release of a comic book featuring the life of filmmaker and geek icon George Lucas. “Orbit: George Lucas: Rise of an Empire” is available in print and digital this week.

A creative force whose pioneering efforts in the area of sound production and special affects forever changed the way we view movies, George Lucas found fame in 1977 with the release of his magnum opus, “Star Wars.” In that moment, the master filmmaker shaped geek culture for generations.

The 26-page graphic novel was written by John Michael Helmer and Brian Smith and features art by Smith. Smith and Chris Fischer illustrated the comic book’s variant covers.

“Bluewater receives a lot of requests from fans and famous people to tell the stories of the famous and the infamous using this unique medium, and George Lucas has been at the top of that list for a long time,” says publisher Darren G. Davis. “With interest in his creative work swelling, now was the time to tell his amazing story.”

Bluewater has focused on other personalities such as Conan O’Brien, David Letterman, Carrie Fisher, Ray Harryhausen, and Stephen King. All are available on Amazon as well as Nook, Kindle, and ITunes. Bluewater’s biographies have hit the top ten books on Amazon as well drawn the attention of hundreds of news outlets, including New York Magazine, People Magazine, Forbes, MTV, CNN, and The Today Show

“Orbit: George Lucas: Rise of an Empire” is available for your e-reader from iTunes (to order the book on iTunes: , Kindle, Wowio, ComiXology, DriveThru Comics, Google Play, Madefire, My Digital Comics, Overdrive, Iverse, Biblioboard, Flipkart, Axis360, Epic!, Blio, Entitle,, Indie Comic Tracker, Wheeler, Scoop, Nook, Kobo and wherever eBooks are sold. The print version of the book is available only at Comic Flea Market at