In Faith Network Radio Show Presents: Dr. Frank Turek


It was such a pleasure sitting down with Award-Winning Author, Dr. Frank Turek, to discuss his latest book, Stealing From God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case. If you missed this dynamic speaker, you will definitely want to go back and listen to the podcast for this show!

Dr. Turek has co-authored other books: “I Don’t have Enough Faith to be an Atheist,” “Correct, Not Politically Correct” and “Legislating Morality.” As the President of, Frank impacts young and old alike at colleges, high schools and churches with hard yet entertaining evidence for Christianity.  You can also get quick answers to tough questions on Christianity with the Crossexamined App!

What if your best reasons to doubt God prove that He exists?
stealing_from_god__34148Book Blurb:

If you think atheists have reason, evidence, and science on their side, think again! Award-winning author Dr. Frank Turek (I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist) will show you how atheists steal reason, evidence, science, and other arguments from God in trying to make their case for atheism. If that sounds contradictory, it’s because it is! Atheists can’t make their case without appealing to realities only theism can explain. In an engaging and memorable way, Stealing from God exposes these intellectual crimes atheists are committing and then provides four powerful reasons for why Christianity is true.





Click on the image above for the link to Dr. Turek’s upcoming interview.


Dr. Frank Turek
Dr. Frank Turek

Connect with Dr. Frank Turek on Social Media:



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