So You Think You Can Write 2015!


harlHarlequin’s and Wattpad have teamed up to give aspiring romance writers a chance to be published. One grand prize winner will receive a two-book contract with Harlequin. Here are the details from Harlequin’s press release:

Since launching So You Think You Can Write in 2010 we’ve discovered and published 30 new writers, and counting, across 15 Harlequin categories. Whether you write historical or paranormal romance, romantic suspense, Blaze-worthy sexy romance or wholesome Heartwarming romantic stories, there’s a Harlequin category perfect for you! And this year we welcome Carina Press to So You Think You Can Write, expanding our eligible categories to include sci-fi/futuristic romance, LGBTQ romance, New Adult romance and more.

Post your romance manuscript on Wattpad any time between July 2 and September 21, 2015, and get reader feedback as you polish your masterpiece. The earlier you post, the more time for feedback you get!

Join the free So You Think You Can Write online writers’ conference September 14-18, 2015, and interact with other romance writers and Harlequin editors in blogs, live chats, writing challenges, Twitter events and more! And don’t forget, enter our contest by September 21, 2015 and you could be Harlequin’s newest debut author!

For full details join Wattpad, then go here:

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