Oxford Dictionary Adds a Few New Words


Oxford-Dictionaries“English often forms new words using existing suffixes, and the realm of food and drink shows several such innovations. From the –y ending comes cheffy (relating to, or characteristic of, a chef) and melty (melting or partially melted); from the –ery ending, we get cidery (a place where cider is made) and cupcakery (a bakery that specializes in cupcakes). The latter is a venue where you’re unlikely to have the option of cakeage, which is ‘a charge made by a restaurant for serving a cake that they have not supplied themselves’, and another word created by the inclusion of a common suffix,” says a statement at Oxford’s website.

This year, the editorial team at Oxford added nearly 1000 words to the iconic dictionary. Among the words added: hangry, awesomesauce, and manspreading. You can find the entire list of newly added words by following this link.