Digital Only Card at Libraries


iknowA new program now available at many public libraries called iKnow is a hit with many working families. The iKnow program offers library patrons a ‘digital only’ materials  check-out option via a digital library card.

This library card can only be used to borrow digital items — audiobooks, e-books, music and video online via Overdrive. The card cannot be used to check out books in the library. (A regular library can still be used.) Designed with the digital generation in mind, libraries hope to reach people who want to utilize the library but may not live near one, or have odd work hours, several jobs and families with varied schedules.

Harris County Public Library in Texas has taken part in the iKnow program since September 1st and already have over 300 registered patrons.  Michael Saperstein, multimedia selection librarian said: “The goal is more reading. We really want to reach those residents who we know may not ever come into physical spaces by providing as many options as we can. Whether they’re accessing digitally or physically, they’ll still be using the library. I think this iKnow program is very intuitive and makes perfect sense for the digital world we live in. It allows adults and children who live far away from a branch to be able to read e-books on demand and there is no excuses anymore to not read.”

These are a few of the services offered to digital card holders:
• More than 300,000 streaming movies, music albums, and eBooks including a large selection of digital DC Comics on Hoopla
• Nearly 60,000 eBooks, eAudiobooks and streaming media on OverDrive.
• ePicturebooks for kids on Tumblebooks and eAudiobooks for all ages on OneClick Digital.
• Current issues of popular magazines for computer or tablet with Flipster.
• Mango online Language Learning
• The powerful business and investment research tools: Morningstar, Valueline and Reference USA:
• HeritageQuest Online genealogy research database
• Chilton’s Automotive Repair Manuals
• Safari Books Online, the go-to source for programmers and IT professionals:
• Novelist Plus and Novelist K-8 Plus: electronic readers’ advisory for adults, teens and children.

Contact your local library to see if the service is available in you area.