Cityread London via Overdrive


cityCityread London, an annual “celebration of literature” has partnered with Overdrive and will be featuring the book Ten Days by Gillian Slovo, in eBook format at local public libraries. The program of a “city wide read” has spread to dozen’s of cities globally and London is the latest to add eBooks to the read. With Overdrive readers will be able to check-out/download the book for a ten day loan period, without holds or wait lists.

Cityread London occurs each April and invites the citizens of London to read the same book together for free from their local library. This year’s book selection,  Ten Days is about what happens when politics, policing and the hard realities of living in London collide.

Well over a dozen library systems have partnered with Overdrive for this program. “By adding a digital version of these large scale reading programs you can assure you’re reaching every corner of your community on the devices readers have with them at all times,” states Overdrive the library digital book provider.