Love Your Librarian?


brairanThe American Library Association (ALA) is seeking nominations for the 2016 Love My Librarian Award. Librarians touch the lives of not only readers, but families every day. This award is asking library patrons to “recognize the accomplishments of exceptional public, school, college, community college, or university librarians.”

Ten librarians are selected annually, with each receiving “a $5,000 cash award, a plaque and a travel stipend to attend the awards ceremony and reception in New York City, hosted by Carnegie Corporation of New York.”

Nominations must be received between now and September 19, 2016.

To submit a nominee or for additional details, click on the following links:

Nominate a School Librarian

Nominate a College, Community College or University Librarian

Nominate a Public Librarian

Questions?  Email Megan McFarlane, Campaign Coordinator,
American Library Association,