Book Lights with Debra Parmley Presents Sheila English


What if Frankenstein were alive?


Halloween is coming! On Tue Oct. 4th on Book Lights, tune in for a spooky edition as host Debra Parmley chats with supernatural author Sheila English about Adam Frankenstein, ghosts and things that go bump in the night.

Listen here Tue. night 8:30 eastern!

Adam Frankenstein never died, and four very different stories begin to piece together how his humanity developed so he could be a U.S. Marshal in modern day Texas.

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Sheila English is an author of supernatural suspense, screenplay writer, award winning producer, director and international speaker.  She’s also crazy about dogs.
You can find out more about her on her website at, on Twitter at SheilaEnglish67 or on Facebook at Facebook/booktrailers.

and for more about host Debra Parmley visit

Book Lights – shining a light on good books!

Tune in Tuesday October 4th 8:30 p.m. eastern!