Banned Books Become Trading Cards

Photo: Chapel Hill Public Library
Photo: Chapel Hill Public Library
Photo: Chapel Hill Public Library

In a very unique and innovative idea, the Chapel Hill Public Library has developed trading cards for readers featuring banned books.

Each year the library, in conjunction with The Chapel Hill Division of Cultural Arts, hosts a juried review of artist submissions for inclusion in the pack. For 2017, the selected cards are: Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, The Awakening by Kate Chopin and Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson, among others.

The library began the project to not only promote banned books, but as an effort to support local artists. Donations from The Friends of Chapel Hill Library made the project possible.

A set of trading cards is $5.00 + @2.95 S/H. You can purchase the current set, as well as past sets through the library’s website.