It’s a Wrap! Reader’s Entertainment Wrap Party


blog-talkReaders, you’re invited to Reader’s Entertainment END OF THE YEAR WRAP PARTY! Join our featured guests tonight at 6:00 PM eastern time on Reader’s Entertainment Radio:

Sheila English – an author, blogger, journalist, scriptwriter and songwriter, Sheila will be talking about her latest book, Adam Frankenstein: A Collection of Short Stories, and what is coming up for 2017.

Debra Parmley – Debra writes across many genres — historical, western and contemporary fiction. Debra also teaches writing, and has some really fun stuff coming in 2017.

Jocie McKade – Jocie is known for her comedy writing and she will be talking about her latest funny mystery series, Mayson-Dickson, as well as a short story series featuring a tea leaf reader.

Renee Bernard – is best known for her historical novels set in exotic locales. This year she also hosted an historical romance retreat, which she will be talking about.

Pour a cup, kick off your shoes, and listen in, it’s always entertaining at Reader’s Entertainment!!

Tonight at 6:00 PM eastern time on Reader’s Entertainment Radio