4 Tips for Designing a Home Library


4 Tips For Designing a Home Library4 Tips for Designing a Home Library by Guest Blogger — Brooke Chaplan

Building a quiet and peaceful library in your home doesn’t need to be a time-consuming or expensive process. With a little bit of planning and a few inexpensive upgrades, you will be able to create the perfect environment for storing and reading books.

Find the Perfect Room

As a general rule, libraries should be as quiet as possible, and that means that you should choose a room that is away from busy streets and loud areas of your home. Your library also needs to have plenty of natural light or enough outlets for ample lighting. While you can always soundproof a bedroom and put up a few extra lights, it will be much easier to find a room that is already cozy.

Ensure the Right Temperature and Humidity Levels

Many people never even think about the ambient temperature and humidity levels when building a home library, and that can be a major mistake. At the very least, you must be able to control the temperature inside the library with some type of heating and air conditioning system, like something from Robison Air. You should also consider investing in a humidifier so that you can keep the library between 30 and 50 percent humidity.

Install Ample Storage

Storing a few hundred or even a few thousand books is going to require quite a bit of space, and freestanding bookcases might not be adequate. Luckily, many companies now sell modular storage systems that can easily be attached to your home’s walls. One of those systems will allow you to use various shelves, cabinets, and display cases depending on the size and layout of the room. Shelves that are attached to the walls are also going to be much safer than standalone bookcases that can sometimes fall over.

Upgrade Your Seating

Finding the perfect seats is going to come down to your personal preferences, and there are many different options to choose from. The best way to find the right seats for your library is to head to a local furniture store where you can try various models and designs. If multiple people are going to be using the library at once, then you might want to consider a larger lounging couch.

In addition to these simple tips, you must also ensure that your library isn’t going to attract any pests. Many pests will eat book pages or use that material to make nests, and you will need to speak with an exterminator who can help you come up with a long-term plan for keeping those unwanted bugs and rodents out of your home.

There are plenty of ways to make yourself a book-haven in your own home. Forget finding random places to store your books—follow these tips to design your own home library.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan