Why Make a Combination Home Library and Theater System


Why to Make a Combination Home Library and Theater SystemWhy Make a Combination Home Library and Theater System
by guest blogger Brooke Chaplan

Sometimes we feel like getting comfortable with a book to read and other times we’re ready to watch a new movie that can be downloaded at home for a realistic theater experience. If you enjoy both pastimes at home with limited space to focus on one or the other, combine a home library with a theater system to have either available when you’re in the mood. Here are reasons why you may want to make room for both

Shared Space

Unless your home has several extra rooms that can be decorated for leisure activities, you may need to designate a single room for both a home library and a theater system. A combined space for both types of relaxing entertainment can be arranged by dividing the room in half so that one side offers quiet and relaxing seats with adequate light for reading, while the other side can be separated by a room divider or another fixture and darkened for film viewing when desired. The theater seating can be shared for reading purposes or designated separately for movies.

Leisure Ambiance

The entire room can be fitted with room-darkening blinds and window coverings that are easily adjusted to whichever activity you prefer at a given time. Chairs could be the movable kind and stored when not in use for film viewing, or they can line the walls and pulled out when needed. Certain types of seating will accommodate either reading or film viewing and can be left in place to contribute to theater mood or reading ambiance. Overhead or sconce lighting along with mobile standing light fixtures enable lighting in the room to be adjusted for either type of recreation.

Family Togetherness

With a room divider, family members can share the same space to keep everyone together even when enjoying different activities. Movies can be viewed by wearing headphones so that readers won’t be bothered by movie sounds when absorbed in a book or magazine. A home theater system blends well with a library when books fill wall shelves and theater seats can be shared or are otherwise non-dominant.

Utility Economy

Sharing leisure-time space in your home will reduce utility use in other rooms. Everyone can benefit from the same heating or cooling system as well as adjustable lighting. If the book or movie turns out to be boring, family members can switch to the alternate pastime.

A combination home library and theater system makes efficient usage of limited home areas for entertainment. Start planning your leisure room layout now.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan