Sheila’s Book Review: Make Fitness A Priority


Make Fitness A Priority: 30 tips to elevate your life through fitness by Chad Austin & Jesse Kepka

4.5 out of 5 stars

Some fitness books actually discourage me. They are so advanced beyond my issues that I wouldn’t benefit from reading them.

Though this book sometimes slips into that category, it’s not often and I get way more out of it than not.

The book gives you a no-nonsense, tell-it-like-it-is talking to, but in a way that makes you feel accepted. You feel like the authors are on your team and want you to succeed.

You get background information on what fitness really is. They talk about diet and exercise and where you need to be mentally to really make it work.

It also helps you not feel discouraged if you’re really struggling, which I appreciated.

If you’re looking to educate yourself in a way that makes you feel like you’ve got someone on your side, this book is for you.

About the Book:

As fitness professionals, we want to help you reach your goals, but most importantly, we want to teach you how to keep them for a lifetime. We are not looking for temporary success here. We want fitness to be embedded as a permanent priority no matter what is going on in the world around you. You are so capable of harnessing the power of self-sufficiency and reaping the overflow of rewards.

In the fitness industry today, we are fighting a wicked battle between these two ideas; a quick fix to hit a goal (like giving a man a basket of fish) and long-term success based on knowledge and behavior change, consistently (like teaching a man to fish for himself). We know which man will go hungry. Everyday there are more and more predators popping up who are making millions of dollars, preying upon a person’s deep desire to look and feel better. They are selling weight loss products and performance enhancing products that will, ultimately, only lead to temporary success. Likely, none at all. Promises of fast results with little or no effort can cloud the judgment of even the smartest and most cautious of consumers.

In April of 2014, the Make Fitness a Priority community was established in Overland Park, Kansas with this very goal in mind. We want you to get off the roller coaster ride of temporary success and crashing failure, and we want you to do it among friends with the same goals. There is no prerequisite in your physical abilities, everyone is welcomed. We know all our lives are incredibly unique. Your plan should match your uniqueness. From there, consistency is born and your quality of life skyrockets.

These 30 tips and tricks were created from our Saturday morning Priority Fit Camp, one of our community gatherings. In 2019, we implemented a Trainer Tip to be briefly discussed between circuits, in an effort to make a bigger impact on our community. You may be thinking, “how can one 2-3 minute tip make a big impact?” In the following pages, you will see very clearly that small changes, consistently, is what fuels this long-term success we want so badly for you. If you are a beginner, the amount of information available to you is overwhelming. Doing too much, too fast, will lead to burn out and failure to change.

Take your time to wander slowly through these pages, as it fits in your life. Read one tip per week or per day, as it suits you. Take the time to focus, meditate upon and implement them because, as we said before, small consistent changes will build your path to feeling your best. Find your strength, you were built to not only succeed, but never settle. You were built to Elevate.


Reviewed by: Sheila English