“Early Thursday: A War, A Hurricane, A Miracle!” tells the story of a boy’s mostly idyllic life interrupted by the wrath of Mother Nature. Author Linda S. Cunningham was 9 years old during Hurricane Audrey and her father was the director of civil defense for the local parish. Based on her recollections, she delivers a powerful and moving portrait of the days and events leading up to and following the cataclysmic storm. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087D6Q6S1 “Powerfully written, this is a most impressive debut novel by an author of substance.” Grady Harp, Top 50 Amazon Hall of Fame Reviewer Media Contact: For a review copy of Early Thursday: A War, A Hurricane, A Miracle! or to arrange an interview with Linda S. Cunningham, contact Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing at scottlorenz@westwindcos.com http://www.Book-Marketing-Expert.com or 734-667-2090.