100 Worst Ideas Hilarious Audiobook Celebrates Humanity’s Horrible Ideas


New Laugh-Out-Loud Audiobook Celebrates Humanity’s Historical, Hysterical Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and Its Impact on Us Today https://100worstideas.com/ Veteran entertainers bring you history like you’ve never heard it before! What if President McKinley had opted to wear a bullet proof vest and avoided assassination? What if Coke just changed its age-old formula as a devious way to increase sales? What if Burt Reynolds had said yes to the role of James Bond? These are all questions that Michael N. Smith and Eric Kasum dare to ask in their new, laugh-out-loud audiobook, 100 of the Worst Ideas in History: Humanity’s Thundering Brainstorms Turned Blundering Brain Farts, with riotous results. Available on Amazon.