Aline and the Blue Bottle kicks off the lyrical and enchanting Adventures of Aline series, which depicts a unique universe infused with elements drawn from ancient Incan mythology and languages. Told through the eyes of Aline, a misfit who is bullied and ostracized, Aline is different than her peers. Though well loved by her mother, grandmother, and dogs, Aline longs for acceptance and friendship and struggles to understand why she doesn’t fit in anywhere. “You are very unique and beautiful,” Aline’s grandmother tells her. “Being unique is a very good thing.” Aline and the Queen of the Krons is the second book in the epic Adventures of Aline middle grade fantasy series. If you or your child like young heroines, non-stop action, and enchanting realms, then you’ll adore Carolina Ugaz-Moran’s enthralling escapade.