AUTHORS SHARE THE GIFT OF BOOKS – Gayle M. Smith recommends these great reads


We ask authors to share their favorite book they would gift to readers during this holiday season. 

Gayle M. Smith recommends these great reads:::::

My book recommends in no particular order.
1. I just finished reading Apothecary’s Garden by Jeanette Lynes. If you like historical novels with a female protagonist you will enjoy this delightful victorian romance set amongst the flowers and healing herbs of Lavender Fitch’s garden. Introduce a spirit medium and her disfigured assistant and you have a satisfying read.
2. Meaghan Hackinen’s non-fiction account of her cycling adventure down the west coast is a worthy read. South Away allows the reader to adventure along with Meaghan as she encounters different characters and reflects on her relationship with her sister and mother.
Meaghan has grown into an international superstar endurance cyclist who is breaking records. She will inspire AWE!
3. Matthew Hughes young adult novel, The Emir’s Falcon, promises an adventure to save a falcon. Combine three teens from different cultures, with the wilderness, a bear, and a falcon and you have a great story. Plus, Shadowpaw Press is offering a Christmas discount. Just use this code! XMAS2022
4. If you have a foodie, or a hype-taster on your shopping list, then dee Hobsbawn-Smith’s,  Bread & Water,  an award winning collection of essays about food culture, is a well written and thoughtful read.