‘Giving up the idiosyncrasies of being a witch’ – A modern hero delivers fun!

Dominican born Texas author D.C. Gomez studied film and television at New York University, served in the US Army, and now enjoys her best-seller status as an author. Her books may be about dark themes, but her infectious humor makes them thoroughly enjoyable. Her short stories have appeared in collections – CUPID WORE DOGTAGS, FIESTA NIGHTS, TIS THE SEASON – and her novels are in series – CHARLIE’S FABLES, THE CAT LADY, ANOTHER WORLD, THE DARE COLLECTION, THE ORDER’S ASSASSIN, THE ELISHA & ELIJA CHRONICLES, THE INTERN DIARIES, and THE ORDER’S ASSASSIN of which THE TRAITOR is Book 2.

Is it necessary to read Book 1 first? No (though that is recommended!), because Gomez catches us up on the characters and situations with skill. Her tone of writing invites the reader in as she opens this story: ‘The tires of the BMW SUV crunched through the slush. It was a typical freezing December afternoon in the middle of Maine. Snow and ice should have covered everything by now. Instead, water ran down the streets as the inferno radiating from the Keith’s residence warmed the block. The outline of the old Victorian mansion was still visible through the flames, but every minute the fire raged, it was harder to distinguished. Eric stepped out of the BMW as the chimney caved in…Five days before Christmas. Hopefully, nobody is expecting Santa Claus to deliver to that mess.’ With that sparkling wit, Gomez delivers her story, as the provided summary hints at the plot: ‘The clock is ticking and Eric (a witch and former cop) has less than a week to find and capture the infamous Rafael. He is willing to swallow his pride and hire the services of another deadly assassin, Sasha Garcia. Too bad for Eric, Sasha has given up the trade for a more civilized profession as an accountant. Now Eric has to find a way to convince the talented Sasha to work for him, while finding the traitors in their mists.’

Gomez has the urban fantasy genre down pat, mixing mystery with witches and cinematic settings. For those who love humorous paranormal fiction, this is a series to explore! Book 3 please…Recommended

Grady Harp Review