Dark Horse Comics to Bring Clear by Scott Snyder and Francis Manapul to Print
Issue #1 Will Feature Variant Covers and Arrives March 8, 2023
The Clear Print Collection To Follow in Fall 2022
“Scott Snyder and Francis Manapul’s Clear is gorgeous sci-fi noir”—The A.V. Club
“Masterful Cyberpunk Noir Reckons With the Helplessness of Connectivity. . . . Built on the impeccable execution of two masters at the top of their game, Clear is easy to recommend for anyone who wants unnervingly relevant genre fiction.”—Comicbook.com
“One part The Maltese Falcon and another part Blade Runner, Clear is an old school crime thriller all done up in new school sci-fi splendour.”—Comicon

Dark Horse Comics will bring Clear, a dazzling, visual thrill ride through a hard-boiled sci-fi dystopia, by bestselling writer Scott Snyder and super-star artist Francis Manapul (The FlashJustice League) to print for the first time in 2023. Clear will be published in three oversized periodicals and feature variant covers by acclaimed artists, with issue #1 debuting March 8, 2023. The trade paperback collection of Clear will be published in Fall 2023.

Clear is the story of a not-too-distant future where mankind no longer sees the world as it truly is. The invention of neurological filters has made it so one can view reality however they may choose—Old Hollywood monochrome, zombie apocalypse, anime… the possibilities are endless.

Neo-shamus Sam Dunes is one of only a handful who choose to live without a filter. When the death of an old flame reveals foul play, Dunes is set on a wild and twisting mystery that will take him from the city’s deadly underworld to the even deadlier heights of wealth and power.

Clear issue #1 will arrive March 8, 2023, Clear #2 will arrive April 12, 2023 and Clear #3 will arrive May 10, 2023 in comic shops. The Clear [144 pages / color / MSRP $19.99/$25.99 pbk / ISBN: 978-1-506728322 / Dark Horse Books] trade paperback will be released on September 19, 2023 and will be available for pre-order through AmazonBarnes and Noble and at your local comic shop and bookstoreClear was first released as a six issue series from Comixology Originals and is available to read digitally at Comixology.