Brave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World-Changers


Laura Di Franco, CEO of Brave Healer Productions, is proud to announce the release of Brave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World-Changers, the fourth title from its Brave Kids Books division.

Two earlier books in the imprint were written by K. J. Kaschula; I Caught One of Santa’s Reindeer was released in 2021 and I Captured the Easter Bunny’ Chicken in February 2023. The Changing Story, written by Dr. Ahriana Platten, was released in 2022. Not coincidentally, Kaschula leads the author team on Brave Kids: Short Stories to Inspire Our Future World-Changers as well.

Di Franco says, “With a pure heart and child-like spirit, Kelly Kaschula transforms the sometimes-scary world into words (and pictures) kids can relate to. Kelly’s lifelong passion for writing, sharing, and illustrating children’s stories is evident in every word and detail, in this, and all her books.”

Meant to be read by parents with their children, the latest book contains stories that tackle a variety of common childhood concerns such as sleeping in a new bed, taming runaway thoughts that could ruin a child’s day, being kind to bullies, fitting in and losing a parent or sibling.

Contributing stories to the book besides Kaschula are Dr. Shelley Astrof, Lacey Ayon, Eddie BenAbraham, Pamela Boehme, Dr. Jennifer Browne, Tom Dahlborg, Kelly Daugherty, Andrea Stafford Deal, Susan Ernst, Julie Funkhouser, Justin Krull, Mair Lemus, Heidi MacAlpine, Samara Ena Minichiello, Dr. Pamela J. Pine, Corinne Puget, Janice Pratt, N.S. Shakti, Meredith Speir, Susan Thompson, Dr. Krupa Vora-Knarr, Manuela Welton Garavito, and Lorie Weed.

Praise for Brave Kids

Brave Kids is a brilliant collection of short stories accompanied by illustrations that spark the imagination. Each tale inspires a bold and courageous attitude toward life’s challenges. Your children will ask you to read it again and again! — Dr. Ahriana Platten, award-winning author of The Changing Story

“Teaching children to be brave is such an important privilege for parents. The stories in this book are beautiful and show the hearts of the authors.” — Sandy Young, retired English teacher

“The time is right for courage and compassion. Kudos to these authors for gathering their stories around their hearts and inspiring children to become their best selves.” — Lisa Danahy, yoga therapist and founder of Create Calm

About the Author

K.J. Kaschula grew up in South Africa where she continues to live. She studied filmmaking in college, taught English as a second language in Thailand and worked as a nanny. She loves to draw and tell stories. She is the creator of The-Super-Dooper-Secret-Collection, a series of illustrated children’s books that follow the adventures of Little Lizzie, who encounters the mystical, magical and marvelous worlds that exist but have never before been seen by children.