Ashley Earley, Author & Editor Extraordinaire Talks Guidebooks for Writers!


Ashley Earley, Author & Editor Extraordinaire Talks Guidebooks for Writers!

SHOW, DON’T TELL is an infamous writing technique—one we’ve all heard before. It’s something that’s ingrained in our very being as writers, the method pushed in writing workshops, from beta readers, critique partners, editors, or other experts. We’ve all heard it, but we’ve all made the mistake. But what does SHOW, DON’T TELL mean? What SHOW, DON’T TELL include? How can it be applied?

This SHOW, DON’T TELL GUIDEBOOK FOR WRITERS will break down the technique, outline all the ways it can be applied, everything it entails, and more! Nearly 20 pages of tips, advice, definitions, examples, and interactive pages will help any writer grasp SHOW, DON’T TELL to its fullest.

Today, whether self-publishing or going the traditional route, a writer can’t get away with publishing a book without the resource of social media. Despite the growth and near necessity of social media, it is a confusing and difficult thing to master. As a writer, social media likely isn’t at the top of your list of priorities, but because of its resources and significance, it’s time to put it on the list. But where do you even start? What are you supposed to do with social media? What should you post? How can you use it to sell your book?

In A Writer’s Guide to Launching a Book, author and editor Ashley Earley provides ways in which one can increase their visibility as an author and a brand to increase book sales.


Ashley Earley grew up in Georgia, where she spent most of her time running wild in the woods of her backyard, building forts to create her own fantasy worlds, obsessing over books, and experimenting with her writing.

Today, she lives in Colorado with her dog and still spends her time devouring any book she can get her hands on, writing, and editing for her clients at Earley Editing, LLC. In May of 2021, she graduated with distinction from University of Colorado Boulder, receiving a B.A. in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing. She also enjoys snowboarding, exploring, annoying her dog, constantly eating chocolate, and sharing her writing adventures on Instagram.

Her Thriller/Suspense short story, Chasing Hair of Gold, won first place in the 2016 Writer’s Digest Popular Fiction Awards.

As a writer, she leans into fantasy or horror due to her love of all things creepy. As an editor, she loves a little bit of everything when it comes to fiction. Give her that steamy, forbidden romance, give her vampires, or even that young lovey-dovey stuff with all the twists and turns!