Poetry In a Pandemic By H.M. Gooden


Poetry In a Pandemic
An in-depth look at living a regular routine in a world-changing event through poetry by family physician and author, H.M. Gooden

2020 was a year that changed life as we know it.

In this collection of poetry and prose, Gooden explores her longing for more than her daily routine as she makes her way through a “once in a lifetime” world event.

In the middle of turmoil, she creates magic in the mundane as she examines her life in an honest, poignant, and often irreverent way.

As she reflects on life and all it encompasses through her perspective as a healthcare worker, she proves there can be light even in the darkest of days.

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H. M. Gooden has been scribbling on everything since she first learned how to hold a pencil. While often told that her handwriting was atrocious, she persisted, and upon discovering computers and learning how to type, she realized that she was no longer limited by her (admittedly) messy writing.

Unfortunately, life, work, and family have conspired to make it only possible to write in the wee hours or at coffee shops, so most of her love of reading and writing are indulged at times when only vampires and insomniacs abound.

In October of 2017, her love of writing and the characters in the world she created burst into public view in her first book, Dream of Darkness, which follows the adventures of a group of girls fighting evil with abilities that H. M. Gooden would love to have.

When not writing fantasy, H. M. Gooden writes non-fiction pieces exploring the emotions and situations that arise in her day job as a rural family doc. As a result, 4 am has never been busier, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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