Parade of Streetlights by Itua Uduebo


Parade of Streetlights by Itua Uduebo

Life is lived between the checklists

Parade of Streetlights is a captivating exploration of the millennial experience. Following a significant incident from his youth in Lagos, Kolawole Idowu always had a haunting desire to return to Nigeria and commit his time to making a difference. Within the course of a year, Kola explores his home of New York City and all aspects of his world with candor and humor. Kola is both self-conscious and observant as he encounters people on the streets of NYC and constantly struggles with the idea of what it means to be himself.

Parade of Streetlights is a deeply personal and introspective debut novel from author Itua Uduebo told in vignettes and featuring characters who are working through many personal absurdities.

This is a novel about the choices we make, the ways we restrict ourselves needlessly, and the freedom of embracing the authentic pursuit of happiness. Kola’s voice is a welcome addition to the literary canon and his story will stay with you long after the last page is finished.


Itua was born in Lagos, Nigeria, reside in New York, NY, and graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in International Politics. He is currently working in the financial technology industry. His writing journey began in

his college years and to date he has several essays, articles, freeform poems, and short stories published online and in print. His focuses are new adult fiction, urban literature, science fiction, thrillers, politics, racial justice, culture, and global affairs. Currently working on his second novel manuscript and always looking to take on new creative challenges.