New Book Declares the End of Human Evolution


In his new book Evolution Ended, author J. J. Jerome posits that human evolution may be reversing. His assertions are based on the fact that modern technology allows almost everyone to survive and reproduce regardless of their physical traits, eliminating the survival advantage of “superior DNA”. Jerome cites substantial evidence that humanity is actually devolving with lowering IQ scores, epidemic obesity, and rapidly reducing fertility rates. The book Evolution Ended traces mankind’s journey from our tribal beginnings to a new AI-powered society where technology has replaced the natural evolutionary processes that made us human.

J.J. Jerome is an award-winning engineer and futurist who used his unique background in brain science and electronics to become a seminal influence in numerous cutting-edge technologies. He has been an internationally acknowledged leader in developing intelligent buildings and is currently one of the nation’s leading thinkers on using AI to mitigate climate change. His book Evolution Ended posits that humanity is in the midst of a technologically induced transition that is dramatically affecting our social, economic, and political systems. Evolution Ended shows how AI has accelerated this trend to lead to enormous changes in how we live, work, and the very evolution of mankind.

If you would like more information on the book or would like to interview Jeff Jerome, please contact him through his website,