Somewhere in Minnesota By Jayna Locke


Somewhere in Minnesota — A short story collection about the human experience and life’s odd and unexpected moments by critically acclaimed author, Jayna Locke

With springtime in the air, a toddler chases a ball onto a melting ice-covered lake far beyond his parents’ reach.

As the chill of Autumn comes to Minnesota, Max opens the door to find a grizzled drifter on the doorstep. Then Max realizes he knows the man.

When Julie returns to her mother’s home on the shores of Lake Superior, she sees an odd shape tossed by the waves onto the beach. What is it?

Somewhere in Minnesota is a short story collection about the frenetic human experience and the ways in which life manifests itself and delivers defining moments. With Minnesota lakes and seasons as the backdrop, each story shares a different tale of characters experiencing life’s unexpected turns — from peculiar circumstances to moments of crisis — that at least temporarily set their world off its axis.


Jayna Locke is a Minnesota writer who has had a lifelong love of fiction. She earned her MFA in writing from the University of New Hampshire. Her short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals, including Great Lakes Review, Portage Magazine, and Bright Flash Literary Review, as well as several anthologies. She is reachable through her website,, or at

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