Sweet Adversity By Sandra Whitten Plant


Crippled Beagle Publishing announces the release of Sweet Adversity: A Southern Writer Finds Stories – and Good – in Everything, a collection of stories and writing guidance by Nashville writer Sandra Whitten Plant. The 153-page tome is available online and through your favorite booksellers.

“In the adventures of her decades-long writing career, Sandra finds there is always a story to be told, whether affirming, informative or entertaining, and she knows that getting a good story out of a misadventure is sometimes the only comfort, lesson or hope,” says Jody Dyer, Founder & Publisher of Crippled Beagle Publishing. “We’re fortunate that she paused to capture some of her writings in a book and know readers will enjoy coming along for the ride, finding good at the heart of both the fiction and creative nonfiction tales found in Sweet Adversity.”

The author’s curiosity – particularly about life’s possibilities and what drives our points of view, actions and reactions – courses through this collection of stories (and the accompanying guidance). Enjoy Plant’s account of two children contending with neighborhood bullies and their experience with the woman next door who shares her gloomy home with a departed husband. Read about the Vietnam War’s impact on young sweethearts in the Tennessee hills and the belated happy ending of two old buddies who lived through that Cold War conflict.

“My favorite creative writing form is the short story, a genre requiring keen observation and an economy of words,” Plant says. “Done right, a well-written short story is like a precious jewel. I hope everyone can find something here that’s familiar, comforting or challenging, and that some readers might be inspired to write their own precious jewels.”

In addition to a 34-year career in public and community relations, Sandra Whitten Plant has written articles for magazines and newspapers, and her fiction and nonfiction has been included in anthologies, but Sweet Adversity is her first book. She has taught creative writing in schools and workshops since 1975, and for the past five years has led a “Telling Your Story” workshop in the community-based Joy in Learning in Nashville. The Birmingham-born author grew up in Oak Ridge, TN, and earned a B.S. degree in journalism from the University of Tennessee.

“If you love good writing or the South, you’ll love this book, and it’s perfect for Summer reading lists,” Dyer says. “In addition to showcasing good writing, it also includes a few of this accomplished writer’s nuggets of wisdom, so it’s both book and tutorial for those who want to pick up on that inspiration.”

In Sweet Adversity, which dropped on May 31 – coincidentally the author’s 83 birthday – you’ll read about bigotry, puppy love, a beloved radio show and more. Readers will find encouragement, laughter, tears and the reasons the author’s dad and William Shakespeare encourage all to take lessons from Sweet Adversity.