WE ARE THE ALIENS A Case of Alien-Human Integration by Bruce Olav Solheim, Ph.D.


A Case of Alien-Human Integration
The newest work by Bruce Olav Solheim, Ph.D. College Professor, Researcher, and expert in  UFO’s and Alien Contact!

To find an alien, look no further than your own reflection in the bathroom mirror. Building his case from scientific theory, practical firsthand experiences, and guidance from a nonhuman intelligence (NHI) known as Anzar, Dr. Bruce Olav Solheim, a distinguished professor of history, and former Fulbright scholar, US Army aviator, and defense contractor, takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and personal revelation. We Are the Aliens: A Case of Alien-Human Integration answers the age-old question of are we alone in the universe and uncovers our true origins. Personal revelation rather than government disclosure is the telos toward which We Are the Aliens strives. The key point Professor Solheim makes is that the UFO phenomena is just a family reunion.

We Are the Aliens: A Case of Alien-Human Integration – Kindle edition by Solheim, Bruce Olav. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.

Praise for We Are the Aliens:

“We Are the Aliens is Bruce Solheim’s most personal book to date. It documents his struggle to integrate politics, warfare, mental health, and the churning, emerging, convoluted field of ufology, Bruce is not only a professional historian, but he is also a visionary with psychic gifts. His message is wise and profound. Underneath all the science, underneath all the mystery, there is one simple answer. We are all united. There is one creator who made all of us.” —Jeffrey Mishlove, Ph.D., Host and Producer, New Thinking Allowed YouTube channel

“Bruce Olav Solheim reports on his most recent telepathic conversations with an alien from the Orion constellation…Although my scientific background initially compelled me to search for clues in the book that might provide some independent corroboration of these remarkable CE5 encounters, I was almost instantly distracted by the strikingly powerful narrative. The cosmo/geopolitical intrigue that Bruce discusses with Anzar cleanly dissects the politics behind the alien presence on the Earth―the struggle between the forces of freedom and authoritarianism…Perhaps his book will indeed help to launch a leap of collective consciousness that obviates any need for an official declaration that we are not alone.” ―Bruce E. Rapuano, Ph.D., American biomedical scientist, Dominion Lost: A Scientist’s Own Alien Abduction Encounters

“Dr. Bruce Solheim links Dr. Jack Sarfatti’s research relating to wormholes and quantum entanglement with Dr. David Bohm’s research on collapsing quantum waves. A stroke of alien genius!” —Kevin Day, Senior Chief Petty Officer, US Navy (ret.), Top Gun Air Interceptor Controller, Supervising Controller during the 2004 NIMITZ TIC TAC Encounters


Bruce Olav Solheim was born in Seattle, Washington, to Norwegian immigrant parents. A disabled veteran, he served six years in the US Army as a jail guard in West Germany, and later as a warrant officer helicopter pilot at the 82nd Airborne Division. As a civilian, Solheim worked as a defense contractor at Boeing for five years, then went on to earn his Ph.D. in history from Bowling Green State University in 1993, with his main field being US foreign policy. Bruce was the first person in his family to go to college and is currently a distinguished professor of history at Citrus College in Glendora, California, where he has taught for 26 years. As a Fulbright Professor and Scholar, Dr. Solheim taught at the University of Tromsø in northern Norway in 2003.

In 2001, Dr. Solheim founded the veterans program at Citrus College and, in 2007, co-founded (along with Ginger De Villa-Rose and former East Los Angeles Vet Center Director Manuel Martinez) the first in the nation college transition course for recently returned veterans called Boots to Books.

A prolific writer, Solheim has published eleven books and written ten plays, six of which have been produced. In addition to his academic books/journal/novel (The Nordic Nexus: A Lesson in Peaceful SecurityOn Top of the World: Women’s Political Leadership in Scandinavia and BeyondViet Nam Generation JournalWomen in Power: World Leaders since 1960The Vietnam War Era: A Personal JourneyAli’s Bees, and Making History: A Personal Approach to Modern American History), he has published several books about the paranormal.

Since age four, Solheim has experienced angels, demons, ghosts, cryptids, telepathy, psychokinesis, mediumship, and alien contact. He recounts his experiences with high strangeness in his Timeless Trilogy books: TimelessTimeless Deja Vu, and Timeless Trinity, and a book about his contact with a non-human intelligence (NHI)—Anzar the Progenitor. His latest book is We Are the Aliens: A Case of Alien-Human Integration. From 2018–2020, Dr. Solheim teaches a Paranormal Personal History course at Citrus College.

Alongside his list of published works, Solheim has also published two comic book series. Snarc (issues 1 and 2) features an alien hybrid character of the same name, and Dr. Jekyll Alien Hunter (issues 1 and 2) with a female lead character. Bruce is married to Ginger and has four children (one serving in the US Air Force) and two grandsons.

Email: bsolheim@citruscollege.edu or bootstobooks@gmail.com

Website: https://www.bruceolavsolheim.com/