Reader’s Entertainment Radio Presents Matt Leatherwood Jr.: A Memorial Day Special Event


Common heroes. That may sound like an oxymoron but these are everyday, day-to-day heroes. That’s what Train to Baghdad boils down to in a lot of ways.  This behind the scenes look at what life is like for deployed soldiers is candid, raw and real.  Matt Leatherwood served in the military and kept journals about his day to day life during the time he was overseas serving in the U.S. military.  The book isn’t about a group of soldiers who save the president’s daughter. It’s not about some suspenseful mission to save the world. These are real heroes though. Men and women who agreed to go into dangerous territory, take a chance with their very lives, in order to serve their country and do their duty.
We talk to Matt about his book, about how the real lives of our military men and women are lived.  We talk about the importance of home, mail call and being remembered. What a perfect show for the upcoming Memorial Day holiday.

I hope you’ll join us in listening to this week’s show with guest Matt Leatherwood, author of Train to Baghdad.