When Francesca Arno meets Ian Noble during a cocktail party held in her honor, she is suddenly bound to him by a desire that is strange and exciting for her. Francesca, who is working to complete a great centerpiece for the lobby of Ian’s newly designed skyscraper, is not accustomed to experiencing such a purely sexual response to any man, especially upon the point of a first encounter. But, although it seems unsettling to Francesca, it is also undeniable and irresistible. Ian, a darkly intense and dominating character, sees something fresh in Francesca—true innocence. The prospect of possessing her is impossible to ignore, and Ian is a man who always gets what he wants…
…However strong the physical attraction between these two may be, there are complications from the start when this couple’s flame is ignited. Francesca must first learn to yield to the passions of Ian in order to awaken her deepest fantasies. And Ian has his own inner demons to face before this sexually charged romance can become something more intimate and lasting. What does the future hold for Francesca and Ian? Find out in Because You Are Mine by bestselling author Beth Kery.
Because You Are Mine is somewhat of a special release in that the novel is serialized, meaning it will be released in parts as a series. Each installment adds to the saga of Ian and Francesca as they follow a tumultuous course to greater intimacy. Kery has a special appreciation for erotic contemporary romance, and her writing has a certain flavor that will be much enjoyed by romance fanatics. Furthermore, she pays close attention to the full development of her characters. This is especially evident in the growth of her primary characters, which serves, of course, as the foundation for the novel.
If you are ready to turn up the heat in the midst of an already sweltering summer season, then look for Because You Are Mine by Beth Kery. The first part releases on July 31 and all subsequent parts will be released on a weekly basis for a total of eight weeks. Find out more information here http://us.penguingroup.com/static/pages/features/becauseyouaremine/index.html or visit the author’s website at http://www.bethkery.com/.